Educating on Cannabis – The Role of Endogenous Cannabinoids.

Does nutrition play a role in the functioning of the Endocannabinoid system? Like every other system in the body, the ECS relies on the manufacture and actions of cells to activate receptors to perform their duties in the body. Our endogenous cannanbinoids do just that. Their role is to synthesize in a local area inContinueContinue reading “Educating on Cannabis – The Role of Endogenous Cannabinoids.”

Educating on Cannabis – The System that Works in Collusion with Cannabinoids. 

Have you heard of the Endocannabinoid System? In the 1980s, scientists wanted to figure how cannabinoids in cannabis work in our body. Through various experiments, scientists made a break-through discovery that not only changed the way cannabis was viewed and interacted with, it changed the medical field’s understanding on how homeostasis occurs. Yes, the EndocannabinoidContinueContinue reading “Educating on Cannabis – The System that Works in Collusion with Cannabinoids. “